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Showing posts from January, 2018

Assignment 1B - Richard Townsend

For the first one I removed the top half of the bottom shape and moved vertexes and merged them together. Then I used adapt to poly and bridge to connect the shapes and extrusions from the shapes. For the second piece I experimented using the ring poly around my wing shape. I used multi-cut, extrude and bridge to create all of the strands that connect the shapes.

Assignment 1B2 - Roberto Munguia

Assignment 1B Monica Ordonez

Figure 1 Tools Used : Mirror Cut, Bridge, Append to Polygon FIGURE 2 UPDATED FIGURE 1 UPDATED FIGURE 2 

Gianni Casanova 1B


Patricia Ponce Assignment- 1B

Component 1 - Mesh/ Combine                          Mirror                          Edit Mesh/ Bridge                          Edit/Duplicate                          Rotate                          Extrude Component 2 - Mesh/ Combine                          Mirror                          Edit Mesh/ Bridge                          Edit/Duplicate                          Rotate                          Extrude Component 3 - Mesh/ Combine                          Mirror                          Edit Mesh/ Bridge                          Edit/Duplicate                          Rotate                          Extrude

Hieu Le - Assignment 1B

I used 2 different orientations of my models. One in an L shape configuration focusing on more slender bridging, and the 2nd, with a side to side configuration focusing on heavier mass bridging. I used extrude, rotate, bridge, lattice box, insert edge loop, and move commands.

Karina Porcari- 1B

Faten Almosawi - Assignment 1B

I used bridges to connect the two organisms and other tools like bevel and extrude to adapt and sculpt this shape. I created a second combination with the two shapes and then used the mirror cut tool create this complex organism

Miguel Escotet - Assignment 1A

Practice model from a Beetle horns Practice Model from a Mantis's body

Assignment 1B - Jessica Melgar

A combination of a butterfly and a spider. Using the mesh combine tool, along with scale, rotate, and bridge.

Assignment 1B Melodie Suarez

Combination of Anemone and Sea Urchin Inspiration Combine, Bridge, Extrude, and Scale used                              Combine, Bridge, Extrude, Rotate, and Mirror used

Assignment 1B Kaitie Fuson

Combination of Butterfly inspiration and the typical bug

Assignment 1A

Reptile Spine

Through the use of the most basic set of commands like move, rotate, and scale I was able to create this one shape that then was repeated while resized in order to create a sort of a reptile spine.

Valeria Zavatti - Assignment 1A

Marian Diaz - Assignment 1A

Roberto Munguia-assignment-1B

Martha Morales - Assignment 1A

this is my attend to make an ant... the body of the ant composed by three shapes. 

Jessica Melgar - Assignment 1A

Iteration of a butterfly and a spider.